News Coverage: Ibogaine – A Personal Experience Against Drug Addiction

Below you can find our media coverage  published on the Georgian website Publica. Ibogaine Therapy Personal experience against drug addiction Dato Subeliani, a drug policy activist, shares a story about his addiction with the public. As he tells us, he had been heavily addicted to opioids for years, and had also been a tobacco user for 31 years. Over the years, as a result...

What is Ibogaine and Where is Ibogaine Used?

Ibogaine is a psychedelic substance which is extracted from Tabernanthe iboga (also known as iboga). Ibogaine is considered as both therapeutic and psychoactive addiction-breaker which may help counter drug addiction. Preliminary scientific research suggests that Ibogaine which is a chemical in iboga, may help reduce or remove withdrawal symptoms of drug addiction. Discovered by the Pygmy tribes of Central Africa, Ibogaine...

Everything You Need To Know About Ibogaine Treatment

Ibogaine is a psychedelic substance which is extracted from Tabernanthe iboga (also known as iboga). Ibogaine is considered as both therapeutic and psychoactive addiction-breaker which may help counter drug addiction. Iboga (aka Tabernanthe iboga) is a perennial rainforest shrub commonly found in Gabon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Republic of the Congo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...